The projects can be completed as a group or as an individual. Please, check the project details and follow the instructions.

Some of the activities you complete as part of the Better World Award may also count towards Chief Scout Award (CSA) or Special Interest Badges (SIBs.) Please check the requirements for each!

You and/or your team will receive the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) pin upon completion of a logged project.

Qualify: Community projects that benefit the wider community, through promotion of peace, challenging inequalities and protecting nature.

Does not Qualify: Activities like;

· Meetings, training, or camps that do not support any community actions to improve something for people or nature.

· Attendance at a Jamboree or Conference.

· JOTA-JOTI meetings.

· Projects that don’t make a connection with the wider community outside of Scouting.

If you or your group are experiencing difficulties, it is an opportunity for learning, as not all projects go as planned. Step back and…Rethink! For support, contact [email protected]

You are required to log your completed projects to receive your awards. You can share your project ideas as part of the project application.

We’d love to hear from you

Get in touch with us if you have any questions, we’re on hand to help.

Scouting Ireland. National Office,
Larch Hill, Dublin 16, Ireland

T: 01 4956300 |  F: 01 4956301

Company Reg. No. 397094
Registered Charity Number (RCN) 20004347
Charity Number CHY3507
Reg. Office – National Office, Larch Hill, Dublin 16. D16 P023

Gasóga na hÉireann / Scouting Ireland Services is a company Limited by guarantee