Scouting for aBetter World!
The Better World website is a space for Scouts to showcase projects that have had a positive impact for people, nature and contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Explore the website to find resources and project forms to get started!

We are guided by our scouting values:Friendly and Kind, Honest to Trust, Respectful and Brave, Loyal and Just
No matter where you are on your scouting journey, Scouts are committed to making a positive difference as active global citizens. We can each do something kind for ourselves, our friends, a stranger, nature or the wider world. Whatever you decide to do, your actions, informed by scouting values, will help make the world a little better than you found it.
*More information on Scouting Values: Promise & Law (
Explore the project gallery to get inspiration for your Better World project!

We’d love to hear from you
Get in touch with us if you have any questions, we’re on hand to help.
Better World | Scouting Ireland
Better World
Scouting Ireland. National Office,
Larch Hill, Dublin 16, Ireland
T: 01 4956300 | F: 01 4956301
Company Reg. No. 397094
Registered Charity Number (RCN) 20004347
Charity Number CHY3507
Reg. Office – National Office, Larch Hill, Dublin 16. D16 P023
Gasóga na hÉireann / Scouting Ireland Services is a company Limited by guarantee